Beatrice Hoang
Beatrice 3D scan
is looking for an angel, watching Love & Pop, a DC AU devotee and 360p 90s/00s Asian video lover.
Beatrice 3D scan
My Sight is Lined with Visions | December 2024 | 30m
A girl attempts to complete a to-do list. She never does. Instead, she reflects on memories of her first love, recounts dreams, writes letters, and spends time with her cats. After the first 13 days go by in a depressive episode, a hypomanic episode takes over the 14th day and it all spins out of control. "My Sight is Lined with Visions" is a tale about first loves, the joys of living with cats, a perspective on living with bipolar disorder, and the dreams that haunt you. Through a number of camera angles, the blur of autobiography and fiction creates a fragmented yet intimate portrait of a girl’s mental landscape. Voiceovers in English and broken Vietnamese attempt to capture the fluidity of memory, emotion, and imagination. I write about my first love. I hope she writes back.Find contact at bottom to request password.
Beatrice 3D scan
A Homo Movie | October 2024 | 11m
I started this essay film in November 2023. I was reading Countervisions, a book of essays on Asian American film and video, which left me with the desire to show the side of Asian American film/video that has evaded the mainstream public eye. I felt the need to explain or justify this exploration in some way, so I took the approach of a video essay. Through candid voiceovers and kitschy overlays, I tell a story. One that I realized I was not able to tell, which was why I stopped making it the following month. I realized that the story I was trying to tell -- that I was trying to tell something at all about a group larger than me -- was against my guiding values. I thought I was trying to speak for the larger Asian American community, and though I believe in voicing my thoughts, I hate telling other people how to interpret my media. A year later, I think I'm getting over the impossibility in my mind of making something truly "Asian American." In truth, what I am making and what I am speaking about is not Asian America. No, Asian America implies a belief in something else. This is a homo movie. Find contact at bottom to request password.
Beatrice 3D scan
Memory of our betters | September 2024 | 2m
For the past 8 years I've had a memory jar that I fill with little notes whenever a good thing happens. It kept me going. Now I don’t put things in it as often - now and then I add a club wristband, a movie ticket, a letter. When the good didn’t last I would find them and throw them away. 8 years in 1 jar is a lot. Thought I’d scan them and turn it into something.
Beatrice 3D scan
Thunderstruck | September 2023 | 4m
Flashing lights explode across an apartment as images of a woman in bed flicker in and out. A stop motion of light paintings and projections. Find contact at bottom to request password.
Beatrice 3D scan
22 | March 2024 | 2m
At 12 I couldn't imagine my future. I was too young.
Beatrice 3D scan
J. | December 2023 | 20m
I sit around Boston, my favorite city,on a portable ottoman while telling a story about M. I voice over in broken Vietnamese.
Beatrice 3D scan
There Was Plenty of Time | October 2023 | 12m
I read my thoughts from paper as I pace around a chair and I make a careless attempt at playing the piano.
Beatrice 3D scan
Growing Up | May 2022 | 4m
A found footage film about growing up, using scenes from 23 movies.
Beatrice Hoang
Letterboxd: @beanutbuttr
To request access to works, send me an Email.